Parking is always a contentious topic. It's a constant worry when out shopping, on the school run, in cities and in villages.

In the autumn and winter it can get even more fraught, as colder weather, seasonal house parties for Halloween and Christmas and an influx of guests can mean that parking spaces outside residential properties are at a premium.

Add to that the stress of organising family events and tensions running high and it's easy to see how disputes can occur, such as this in which a family were left furious after a neighbour reported them to the council' for having cars outside their home - one of our most-read stories over the 2019 festive period.

READ MORE: Motorists risk £5,000 fine and penalty points for simple driving habit mistake

What happens when someone blocks access to your house?

The website Problem Neighbours says parking directly in front of a driveway is the top cause of friction between neighbours.

But the law does not really help.

We've put together some tips, but the bottom line is to try and get on with your neighbours.

Do I have a right to park in the street outside my own home?

Dodgy parking around the region from double yellow lines to restricted area's, pavements and bus stops.

Yes, you do. But So does everyone else.

Sorry but it's a case of getting in there first and staking your claim to the parking spot.

You may own your house but you do not own the bit of road in front of it which remains public and available for anyone to use.

So people who pinch my spot are not breaking the law.

Technically, no.

You don't want to hear this but they have as much right as you to be there.

So the guy who avoids paying for hospital parking by finding a nearby street without parking restrictions is doing nothing wrong.

Likewise someone who parks in Byker and walks into Newcastle for work is not the devil incarnate because he parks in your street.

Are there any exceptions?

Yes. Some areas have resident only permits designed to stop strangers from parking but it is by no means universal everywhere.

And, of course, no-one should park on double yellow lines and everyone should check lampposts to see what restrictions are in place.

And in some specific cases anything which is causing an obstruction, such as parking on a bend in such a way as it stops cars from using the road safely, is wrong.

What does the Highway Code say?

According to the code, you must not park on a pedestrian crossing, including the area marked by the zig-zag lines, in marked taxi bays, in a cycle lane, in spaces reserved for Blue Badge holders or motor bikes.

Phew. And there's more.

You should not park near a school entrance, anywhere that would prevent access for emergency services, at or near a bus stop, opposite or within 10 metres of a junction, over a dropped kerb, and in front of an entrance to a property.

I have a dropped kerb but everyone ignores it. What do I do to stop parking?

Examples of dodgy parking in Heaton

Complain to the local council.

Newcastle City Council, along with other local authorities, can issue penalty charges notices.

The council says: "Operational guidance issued by the Department for Transport suggests that authorities should not take enforcement action where a vehicle is parked outside residential premises unless the occupier has asked the enforcement authority to do so.

"Newcastle Parking Services will issue a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) at the request of the resident where a vehicle is parked at a dropped kerb and is blocking access to the driveway of the premises."

Can I complain to the police or council if I think someone is trying it on?

You can but perhaps the best option is to talk it through with the parker, whether a neighbour, a handyman doing work for as neighbour, or a stranger.

The website Problem Neighbours says: "Etiquette, good manners and common sense are the main ingredients in avoiding parking disputes with your neighbours.

Have you had a parking dispute with your neighbours? Let us know in the comments below

"Basically, it's an unwritten 'rule' that people will generally tend to park outside their own home but it's important to note that no one has an automatic right to do so.

"It's not always possible and, in addition to residents, other road users also have the right to park outside your home providing they are not contravening the Highway Code.

"To resolve this issue, the only thing you can do is to try to have a friendly word with your neighbour and explain to them why you'd prefer to park in front of your own house."

There's nothing like parking to stir up emotions, is there?

No, as a comment on a parenting forum makes clear.

Someone posted: "Hubby and I both drive hatchback cars. Thankfully, we live on a corner by an alley, so we've recently decided that if we literally pull my car up as far as possible without blocking the alley, pull hubby's up behind mine about 1" from my back bumper and then we leave in my car, 99.9% of anyone on the street couldn't fit in our spot.

"Jerk move? Perhaps. It's everyone for themselves though, and if someone's gonna park in front of our house, it's gonna be us."

The Highways Code also lists numerous places where drivers are forbidden to park, including school entrances, near junctions and in cycle lanes.

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Here is a list of all the places where you are not allowed to park

  • On a pedestrian crossing, including the area marked by the zig-zag lines
  • In marked taxi bays
  • In a cycle lane
  • On red lines
  • In spaces reserved for blue badge holders, residents or motorbikes (unless entitled to do so)
  • Near a school entrance
  • Anywhere that would prevent access for emergency services
  • At or near a bus/tram stop
  • Opposite or within 10 metres of a junction
  • Over a dropped kerb
  • In front of the entrance to a property

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